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Interface GenericEdgeRealizer.BridgeCalculatorHandler

Enclosing class:

public static interface GenericEdgeRealizer.BridgeCalculatorHandler

This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to insert obstacles into a given BridgeCalculator instance for a two-pass rendering.

See Also:
EdgeRealizer.registerObstacles(BridgeCalculator), BridgeCalculator, DefaultGraph2DRenderer.setBridgeCalculator(BridgeCalculator)

Method Summary
 void registerObstacles(EdgeRealizer context, BendList bends, java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path, BridgeCalculator calculator)
          Use the given calculator instance to register appropriate obstacles that will be used for the second pass during the rendering of the edges.

Method Detail


void registerObstacles(EdgeRealizer context,
                       BendList bends,
                       java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path,
                       BridgeCalculator calculator)
Use the given calculator instance to register appropriate obstacles that will be used for the second pass during the rendering of the edges.

context - the EdgeRealizer context that is used for the calculation
bends - the list of bends that the current context holds
path - the GeneralPath instance that is associated with the current context
calculator - the calculator instance to register the obstacles with

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