Large Collapsible Tree Demo
The Large Tree Demo uses
as the rendering technique to display a large tree graph in order to optimize
The graph can be manipulated by adding or removing layers. The child count of new layers
can be changed with the slider control.
Adding and removing nodes is animated with layout and WebGL fade animations running in
The maximum graph size is limited to 250000 nodes.
Things to Try
Use the controls to manipulate the graph:
The layers determine the depth of the tree. Click the "+" and "-" buttons to add and
remove layers.
The "+" button is disabled, if adding a layer with the current child count would
exceed the maximum graph size of this demo. (In this case, try reducing the child
count for less nodes in new layers.)
The child count determines the number of children to be added to each leaf when a new
layer is added.
Graph information
Number of nodes:
Number of edges: