1   /****************************************************************************
2    **
3    ** This file is part of the yFiles extension package ySVG-2.3.
4    ** 
5    ** yWorks proprietary/confidential. Use is subject to license terms.
6    **
7    ** Redistribution of this file or of an unauthorized byte-code version
8    ** of this file is strictly forbidden.
9    **
10   ** Copyright (c) 2002-2010 by yWorks GmbH, Vor dem Kreuzberg 28,
11   ** 72070 Tuebingen, Germany. All rights reserved.
12   **
13   ***************************************************************************/
14  package demo.yext.svg;
16  import yext.svg.view.SVGNodeRealizer;
18  import y.view.Arrow;
20  import java.awt.EventQueue;
21  import java.io.File;
22  import java.net.URL;
24  /** 
25   *  Demonstrates the usage of a SVGNodeRealizer which displays a node
26   *  as a scalable vector graphic.
27   *  <p>
28   *  The SVG file describing the graphics of the node to be displayed
29   *  can be given on the commandline. See the resource folder for 
30   *  examples of svg files. 
31   */
32  public class SimpleSVGNodeRealizerDemo extends SVGExportDemo
33  {
34    /**
35     * Initializes this demo.
36     * @param svgURL  an <code>URL</code> pointing to a SVG resource.
37     */
38    public SimpleSVGNodeRealizerDemo(URL svgURL)
39    {
40      if (svgURL != null) {
41        view.getGraph2D().setDefaultNodeRealizer(new SVGNodeRealizer(svgURL));
42      }
43      view.getGraph2D().getDefaultEdgeRealizer().setArrow(Arrow.WHITE_DELTA);
44    }
46    /**
47     * Launches this demo.
48     * @param args may be used to specify a resource path to a SVG document
49     * that is used as the default node representation.
50     */
51    public static void main(final String[] args) {
52      EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
53        public void run() {
54          initLnF();
55          (new SimpleSVGNodeRealizerDemo(
56                  args.length > 0
57                  ? getURL(args[0])
58                  : getURL("resource/svg/logo.svg"))).start();
59        }
60      });
61    }
63    static URL getURL(String res)
64    {
65      try {
66        URL url = SimpleSVGNodeRealizerDemo.class.getResource(res);
67        if (url == null) {
68          url = new File(res).toURL();
69        }
70        return url;
71      } catch(Exception ex) {
72        System.err.println("Cannot find SVG resource " + res);
73        ex.printStackTrace(System.err);
74        return null;
75      }
76    }
77  }