element graphml

Description: <graphml> is the root element of each GraphML document. Occurence: root. Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <graphml> element. Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of each <key> element in this document. Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of each <graph> element in this document. Ensures: for the key attribute of each <data> in this document, the existence of an id attribute of <key> which matches the value of it.
This component is not nillable.

(desc?, key*, (graph | data)* )

Nested Element Summary
<xs:element block="#all" name="graphml" type="graphml.type">
<xs:unique name="graphml_data_key_unique">
<xs:selector xpath="./g:data"/>
<xs:field xpath="@key"/>
<xs:key name="key_id_key">
<xs:selector xpath=".//g:key"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:unique name="graph_id_unique">
<xs:selector xpath=".//g:graph"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:keyref name="data_key_ref" refer="key_id_key">
<xs:selector xpath=".//g:data"/>
<xs:field xpath="@key"/>

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