product details

A graph laid out automatically with yFiles


yFiles is the industry-leading software library for visualizing, editing and analyzing graphs.
The Graph Visualization SDK is available for 5 major platforms and technologies: HTML, JavaFX, Java (Swing), WinForms, and WPF.

yFiles for HTML variant

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Diagramming that fits your needs

yFiles is the most advanced and complete diagramming solution on the market. Our powerful and flexible API offers a wide array of functions - right out of the box. Simply choose the ones that match your needs best.

Suitable layouts for every use case
Choose from a huge number of predefined layouts and configure them to perfectly fit the task at hand.
yFiles provides the widest range of high-quality automatic layout arrangements in the industry. Over a dozen different implementations with several hundred different settings let you fine-tune the results. With the right algorithm and configuration, you can add relevant information to visualizations, helping users find answers to their questions, simply by looking at the diagrams.
Incorporate business data, graph analysis results, and user input to drive the configuration and highlight key aspects. Use animation to blend between different layouts and help users keeping their mental map with smooth incremental changes.
Countless interaction possibilities
You decide what your app can do. Easily customize the interaction with graphs and diagrams, for efficient, intuitive work on your use case.
Use keyboard, mouse, touch, and pen input to interact with the diagrams and data. Provide dynamic help, visual feedback, and tailored interactions to provide the best possible user experience.
Customized, meaningful designs
Include all of the information you want to show – within the design itself.
Adjust the design dynamically to the zoom level or data updates. Show dynamic data as part of the visualization and depending on the context. Add interactivity and reactivity to the diagrams. Configure your design to show just the amount of information your users require.
Enjoy automatic layouts
Assist your users as they create and explore their diagrams. Use automatic layouts to build clear and beautiful diagrams from your data at the touch of a button.
Automatically update your visualizations when data changes, while maintaining a consistent design. Highlight important aspects in both the structure and the meta data of your diagrams.
Create intuitive interaction
Accept no limits. Implement the perfect interaction design that will make your users productive, no matter whether these are casual or power users.
Connect all types of data sources
yFiles can handle all types of relational data, no matter where you store it or how you create it.
Connect to one or more databases, graph databases, data stores, or other resources. You’re free to use every protocol available on the platform. The choice is yours!
Integrate yFiles in your system
yFiles will perfectly enhance your existing application or framework. Technically as well as visually – by reflecting your corporate design or the app’s look and feel.
No Matter what technology you are using. Add yFiles to existing apps, dashboards, and reports, or create new stunning apps that seamlessly integrate with your line of products' look and feel.
Connect to any of your data sources and systems to create reactive and engaging applications that integrate perfectly with your users' work flow.

Thank you very much for your prompt help and great support. The framework is impressive and we will definitely continue to use it.Dirk Stoermer, ATLAS.ti


yFiles platforms & variants

yFiles is available for 5 major platforms: HTML, JavaFX, Java (Swing), WinForms and WPF.

While yFiles is very similar on every platform, there are some minor differences due to the respective technical specifications.

Thanks to similar APIs across the different technologies, it’s easy to migrate between yFiles products to cover new platforms. So there’s no need to start from scratch when technologies change (and they will)!

product family
for HTML
for JavaFX
for Java (Swing)
.NET (WinForms)

Advanced integration possibilities

Test and experience
yFiles free of charge!
Fully-functional yFiles version
Free access to our high-quality support, to help you start easily
More than 100 source-code examples for rapid prototyping
Extensive step-by-step source-code tutorials that cover the essentials
Free resources like our Developer’s Guide, documentation, IDE setup tips, and more

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Email: hello@yworks.com
Phone: +49 7071 9709050
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We want your development to succeed.
Have a look at our free, valuable resources:


Inspect the sources of more than two hundred source code applications and tutorial steps. Try out the apps online and browse the fully commented and documented sources in our GitHub repositories.


Play with hundreds of demos, online, to learn more about the features of yFiles. Find demos show-casing complete use-case, as well as technology demos focusing on specific features, integrations, and customization options.

API docs

Browse and read the complete documentation for the yFiles API. Find out more about the all the types, classes, interfaces, defaults, and configuration options. Find hundreds of source code examples and illustrations showing best-practices, common-idioms, and customization options.


Find a detailed description of the features available in yFiles in our extensive Developer's Guide. Get everything from a high-level introduction to detailed customization options on the concepts, data structures, layout- and graph analysis algorithms.


Get a wide selection of videos. Watch how-to clips to get started in no time. Learn from previously recorded webinars. We show you how to setup your IDEs to get productive in no time, how learn from and leverage the existing source code samples, and how to integrate the diagramming component into your existing apps and frameworks, smoothly.


As the diagramming experts, yWorks offers a comprehensive range of services.
From software support to training courses – you get everything you need to work successfully with data structures, complex algorithms, and advanced data visualization.

We provide webinars, online seminars, coaching sessions, support, workshops, consulting services, project reviews, code reviews, coding, and more.

Our high-quality e-mail support is included in the optional support & maintenance subscription.
You get assistance directly from our core developers, from start to successful finish.

Licenses & pricing

We offer a variety of licenses to match your precise needs.

All yFiles licenses are perpetual, with zero royalty fees. You can add an optional annual subscription for maintenance and support.

The right yFiles license is just a few clicks away. If your requirements are not covered, let us know – we also offer individual, customizable licenses.

Choose what suits you:

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Number of projects/applications
Number of sites
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One-time fee
Perpetual license
Support & maintenance subscription
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