yEd - graph editor
High-quality diagrams made easy

Screenshots of the yEd software

Powerful and flexible

yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button.
yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and macOS.

If you prefer to edit diagrams with an online tool or integrate them directly into Atlassian confluence, you can get an overview of our diagram editors here.


The latest release is version 3.25.
Check out the release notes.


What to expect on this page

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Key Features


Import your own data from an Excel® spreadsheet (.xls) or XML.


Create diagrams with ease via an intuitive user interface.


Automatically arrange your diagrams elements.


Export bitmap and vector graphics as PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, SWF.

The enterprise solution for data visualization and graph drawing

Integrable into your application
Suitable for any use case
Highly customizable to fit your needs
Compatible with any type of data

Supported Diagrams

BPMN Diagrams

Semantic Networks

Family Trees


Social Networks

UML Class Diagrams

and many more...

Frequently Asked Questions


Video tutorial

This video tutorial shows how to create a flowchart diagram with yEd.

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Technical information

yEd is a pure Java Swing application. It runs on all Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS versions where a suitable Java Runtime Environment is available.

yEd is based on the yFiles diagramming library, which provides not only the automatic layout algorithms and analysis tools, but also the intuitive user interface that makes creating and editing diagrams so easy.

For its look and feel, yEd makes use of UI components from JIDE Software.


We hope that you find yEd to be an invaluable tool and as much fun to make diagrams as we do. Spread the word and recommend it to your friends on Facebook and Twitter!
We also invite you to blog about yEd or submit a nice review on

yEd Desktop editor is awesome! I write a lot of request for approval documents and your yEd Desktop editor is what I use for the architecture diagrams. It's really great and it is free too! I had tried a few other diagramming tools from other organizations but yours seems to fit my needs the best.David Joy, System Administrator, Canadian Navy

Thank you for providing such an excellent tool as yEd to the international community for free.Dr. Stefan Palan, Assistant Professor

Hi, I just wanted to write to let you know how much I appreciate your program, and how grateful I am that you offer it for free. It's very helpful, and I love using it. Thanks so much.David Dugan, Software Engineer / Embedded Programmer

Wow, what a great product. I used to draw computer network drawings back in the early 2000's, and only recently I needed to draw a wiring diagram for an electrical component map. And wow, I learned your program pretty quickly, I was able to do everything I needed to do and I am just so thankful. Great program!Craig Fine, Sales Manager, Alliance Fleet

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